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Family Apartment
Family Apartment

OSTRIA Hotel & Apartments Family Apartements consist of two double bedrooms connected by an internal door. They have modern and functional furniture, minimal discreet decoration, a fully equipped kitchen, two bathrooms with shower and two separate balconies overlooking the beautiful hotel garden and the pool. They are suitable for hosting up to 4 people. Family Apartements are the ideal choice for two friendly couples or a family with older children, as they allow you to enjoy your vacation with autonomy.
Facilities & Services
2 Private Balconies
Air conditioning
Kitchen with hobs
Utensils & dishes
Mosquito net
2 Bathrooms
2 Showers
2 Satellite TVs
Free WiFi Access
2 Safes
2 Hairdryers
Electronic locks
Extra:baby cot
Free Parking
See also our other rooms