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Our Policy regarding COVID-19
At OSTRIA Hotel & Apartments we have adapted our operation taking into consideration the new safety measures and health protocols. We have an agreement with a specialist doctor for immediate treatment in case of an accident. It is planned to carry out check in & check out and welcome guest outside, with observance of the safety distances and the use of protective equipment by the employees. After arrival at the hotel for work, staff change and the whole staff have temperature checks before the start of the shift. The hotel is powered by all means of personal hygen protection. The main measures are:

Check out will take place no later than 11 a.m. while check in is from 15.00 p.m. to allow time to thoroughly clean the rooms. All keys are disinfected with special antiseptic detergent.

Decorative elements have been removed, room cleaning and change of linen every 3 days is provided, calculating the next day of arrival, unless the guest wishes every 2nd day or not at all, that is decided at reception during check-in. After each departure, the room is sterilized with ozone that is environmentally friendly and the remote controls are wrapped with new film. Information leaflets are plasticized to sterilize.

All hotel clothing is washed at 60 °C and above.

Due to COVID-19 breakfast is served in the form of a buffet by our staff according to the required hygiene rules. Salt, pepper, sugar and straws as well as beverage accompaniments are offered packaged in individual packages. Snacks and meals are provided throughout the day. The tables are setup with a one-time setting for each guest, cutlery and napkin is on the table in individual one-time packages and with each customer change the table and chairs are disinfected. Strict hygiene and distance measures are in place by employees. Our kitchens meet HACCP specifications.

The frequency of cleaning and disinfection of the pools and the pool area is increasing and disinfectants suitable for the current situation are used for water. OSTRIA Hotel & Apartments has full adapted to the Greek hotel health protocols.